Sports Physicals
Is your child going to be this year’s MVP? Before hitting the field, they will need a sports physical. Who does sports physicals in Livingston, Texas? Dr. Brawner can do sports physicals.
Sports physicals are also referred to as pre-participation physical examinations (PPE) by members in the medical field. A PPE is a physical examination for anyone participating in sports to determine the presence of any possible problems that would make it unsafe for them to play the sport. If your child is a seasoned sports player, you know the drill, but if it is their first sports season, it is especially important to have a PPE and see your healthcare physician.
A sports physical does not replace an annual physical. The sports physical only focuses on any health history that could impact the child’s ability to participate in sports. Although the PPE covers a lot of what an annual check-up would, it is in addition to, not in place of an annual check-up.
The first step is to fill out a thorough health history form for your child. It will cover your family health history, as well as their personal health history. The family history is very important because certain conditions run in families. Dr. Brawner will pay particular attention to the family history to help in determining if further testing is needed to rule out future potential problems.
It is also important to list any previous or current health conditions on the health history form, including surgeries or hospitalizations in the past, previous injuries (concussions, broken bones, or even sprains), asthma, or previous problems with dizziness or passing out while exercising.
Before the new sports season starts, call us at 281-592-6000 to set up a sports physical for your little MVP.